
 Two months ago, we were finally able to travel the world with each other, and (finally) watched Howl's Moving Castle. Although, I had trouble understanding it at first, I took the time to do some analytical research of my own (without you knowing) to fully grasp why this movie meant so much to you. And, after a few articles and Google searches of "Howl's Moving Castle best quotes," I've come to the conclusion that Calcifier is my favorite character in the film...and we'll get into that in a moment.

I did not expect 2023 to be the year that it was for me. It was full of celebration for my loved ones, congratulatory ceremonies, and moments of anxiety and tears. However, we've both had our individual growth despite the challenges we've faced. I've started to turn my career path around while you've started one that you're not completely excited about...both of us in a place where we don't know where God is going to take us. But, we've remained by each other's side while trying to figure everything out. Whether it was managing emotions in our workplace or trying to understand why people have no place for us in their lives anymore. It's these changes that we were afraid of that came along with growing pains. 

In the movie, Calcifier is a metaphorical representation of a question we eventually ask ourselves in life: What happens if I change? Can I change and still be the same person? But, what the heck does this have to do with anything? I know that life has taken a drastic turn for you with finishing college then a few months later being a full-time nurse working the night shift. Life was probably panning out the way you didn't expect it to be. I believe that there is Calcifier in all of us...we all wonder if we change, will we be able face our younger selves and proudly tell them what we are? There's so much fear that adulthood's unknown puts in our lives. It's all very scary. 

Let's dissect the resolution of all the problems in the film. I wondered why the movie just ended so abruptly with everything somehow being solved in a quick scene where Sophie restores the heart of Howl with Calcifier. The kingdom is magically restored, the war will end, which represents the fairy tale ending of the film. However, it also represents the therapy of getting down to the core of the problem, cracking it, and discovering your own breakthrough moment. The bigger the change...the bigger effect it has on our lives.

"A heart's a heavy burden.." is what Sophie says when Howl wakes up after restoring his heart. And I truly believe the same. I believe what was misplaced in my heart was then replaced with the weight of The Gospel thus discovering my true self...and I'm almost 30. But, it doesn't matter how old we are...what we're going through. What the film teaches is that the resolution comes when the characters can learn to define for themselves what adulthood is, what community is, what family is, and what is worth making a stand and effort for. Miyazaki asks us to be that kind of person.

I'll always be here for all the growth, all of the pain, and all of the things you want to see in your life...I just want to be with you for it all just as you have been there for me and watch me grow. I encourage you to take on these forthcoming challenges because I know you will really discover something within you that will truly make you proud. You are creative, fun, empathetic, and caring...whether you are a nurse during the night shift on a weekend, or making music while recording vocals under a blanket...I believe that you are ultimately still going to be a woman I will always love. What Sophie does best in the movie is finding the joy in her circumstances even though they're not ideal. She steps into her confidence to understand who she is and that whatever external forces are against her, she still has intrinsic internal worth. I hope to be there in every moment where you find your confidence in every challenge or milestone in your life.

"They say that the best blaze burns the brightest when circumstances are at their worst..." - Sophie

I love you,

    - JP

P.S. This is an official private blog where I will write you letters...the final part of your gift. Happy Holidays!


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